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Common EMA licensing questions (First Responder)

Can a firefighter still do direct patient contact with an expired First Responder/Occupational Level 1,2,3 or First Responder Certificate?

NO. Anyone working with a fire department is still permitted to act as a firefighter. If they do not hold a valid FR licence they are NOT permitted to do any patient contacts, but can still perform any regular duties.

These individuals should not be practicing as first responders under any circumstance, here is what it states in the Emergency Health Services Act:

Licence required

12 A person must not assume or use the title "emergency medical assistant", or a title prescribed in a regulation under section 15 (2) (c), or otherwise represent himself or herself to be an emergency medical assistant unless the person is the holder of a valid and subsisting licence under this Act.

2. How does a firefighter who is expired get relicensed?

To renew your licence, follow these steps:

1. Once training (if taken) and exams are complete, your evaluator submits your course results to the EMA Licensing Branch and your training agency.

2. Complete and electronically submit the Application for Licence form. If you would like a photo on your licence, provide us with a colour photo that is less than one year old. You can attach a digital colour photo to the application for licence form or printed photos can be mailed to our office.

3. Once both the course results and an application for licence form have been received the EMA Licensing Branch will process your licence.

Licence Extensions

If you are unable to complete the relicensing requirements prior to your licence expiring, you may apply for a 60 day extension of your licence if

  • Special circumstances exist, and

  • You make a request before licence expires.

To request an extension, submit the Request for Extension form (PDF, 280KB).

3. Who wears the liability if there is a problem with a patient or there is an incident and the responder is not licensed but renders aid? Is it the city of the employee?

As far as liability goes that is a tough question, Licensing would hold no liability at all. Depending on the nature of the incident liability could fall on the individual, employer, municipal government and possibly others. I cases like this it would really be up to lawyers and the court to pinpoint liability.

4. Can 1 person with a license have others act under their direction?

If an individual is not licenced they are not allowed to do any patient contact at all. There is no such thing as direct supervision at the first responder level.

5. Can an Occupational First Aid 3 bridge down to a First Responder?


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